Meeting the fabulous host of this linky!!! I "met" Tara over 3 years ago through blogging, but FINALLY had the opportunity to meet her in real life and it was wonderful! She is everything I thought she would be in person and more: kind, beautiful, funny, personable, down-to-earth...the list goes on-and-on. I am truly blessed to have had the chance to hang out with her!
Now on to her fabulous linky!
I only have one project to share with you (because I've been gone a week). But this one was a biggie!
Let me start by saying that I have the most wonderful dog in the whole wide world. Check him out:
Isn't he adorable? He's sporting the lei I brought back from a little trip I just finished. If you follow me on Instagram, I think I blew up that feed with my trip. #sorrynotsorry Actually, I am a little sorry. It can get a little obnoxious.
Anyway, back to my sweet dog, Ben. I love this dog. I love how he carries a "blankie" around the house and has to show visitors his blankie as soon as they arrive. I love that he is sweet, gentle, and follows my husband around. I love how he is loyal. I love how he doesn't try to run away. He's a great dog all the way around.
We have one problem.
He thinks he's a lap dog.
And because of that, he thinks he owns the sofa. When the entire family of four sits downs to watch a movie, he will inevitably end up on our laps. And, when we are not around, he will inevitably end up hanging out on the sofa.
And, when he does, he leaves it a mess. It's beige. But, that beige had slowly turned to brown. Luckily, we were smart enough to buy a sofa with a slipcover. So, I thought to myself...
Hey, why not dye the sofa brown? It would cover the endearing "Ben" stains. Right?
So, that's what I did!!
I didn't take a "before" picture of the entire sofa, but you can see the color of the sofa in the middle picture at the top. The lovely "Ben" stain can be found on the top left.
It was really rather simple. It just took some time to complete.
I bought this dye and "washed" my covers in the washing machine.